Tag Archives: IFOS

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Grazie al percorso svolto in ambito Societario (SIOeChCF) dal 2016 nella gestione Web e Social Media relativa alla Società e ai Congressi Nazionali SIO di Sorrento 2017, Napoli 2018 e Rimini 2019 e grazie al lavoro svolto per il GOS (gruppo dei Giovani Otorinolaringoiatri SIOeChCF) di cui sono orgoglioso di essere uno dei soci fondatori, mi è stato chiesto di entrare a far parte dello YO-IFOS.


Facciamo un passo indietro, cosa è lo IFOS?

Si tratta della Federazione Internazionale delle Società di Otorinolaringoiatria, che raggruppa più di 50.000 specialisti in tutto il mondo (120 nazioni). Il Congresso IFOS si tiene ogni 4 anni; il prossimo sarà organizzato a Vancouver nel 2021.

The International Federation of ORL Societies (IFOS), is a non-political organization representing over 50,000 Otolaryngologists belonging to about 120 member nations. There is a huge global discrepancy in available resources and manpower and this greatly modulates our activity.

IFOS was founded in 1965 to provide continuity between World Congresses, it has evolved to deal on a global basis with the problems of people with ORL disease by means of an active secretariat and committee structure; lobbying the World Health Organization; a leader in the global program for hearing loss prevention; providing interchange between centers, especially in Europe through the Twin Cities Project; publishing a newsletter and mainting the interactive website. It has a continuing medical educational role and has developed a model undergraduate curricula; it has now initiated CME conferences between World Congresses and recently started the Worldwide Action “Hearing for All”.


Ora siamo pronti a chiederci, allora cosa è lo YO-IFOS?

E’ lo YOung doctors group (fino a 45 anni) dello IFOS, da qui l’acronimo YO-IFOS! Fu fondato a Parigi nel 2017; il suo Consiglio Direttivo si riunisce anche in occasione dei congressi CEORL-HNS che si tengono ogni 2 anni (dunque anche a Bruxelles lo scorso mese, ndr).

During the IFOS meeting held in Paris last June 2017, the “Young Physicians Group” was created. It targets young ENT physicians, aged 30 to 45, enrolled in an academic career or ongoing education, across the world and ENT subspecialties. This group has the ambition to fulfill 4 missions: education, research, congress participation, and networking.

Concerning education, YO-IFOS will develop teaching materials and gather international guidelines in order to make information easily available for ENT in open access across the world; it will also foster collaborative works such as meta-analyses and literature reviews. As for research, YO-IFOS will encourage networking and collaborative research programs. YO-IFOS will also try to improve the participation of young physicians in international meetings by helping to elaborate scientific programs, workshops, roundtables and eventually organizing specific sessions. And lastly, the fourth aim of the group is to promote international mobility of young physicians to encourage medical, research and humanitarian exchanges. This will be facilitated by the development of a dedicated website where curriculum vitae and training proposal will be posted. In order to fulfill these missions, committees composed each of one head and 6-10 members will be created.


Da poche settimane faccio parte del Networking Committee, che con l’ausilio dei Social Media (e non solo, ndr) vuole favorire lo scambio di informazioni e di idee, nonché la creazione di una vera e propria rete di giovani specialisti Otorinolaringoiatri. In questo modo essi possono confrontarsi con coetanei di altre regioni/nazioni e condividere le tappe delle proprie carriere lavorative. Si favorisce in questo modo la formazione attraverso observership e/o fellowship in Centri di rilievo situati in Paesi anche lontani.

The YO-IFOS group aims to enhance the connectivity between young otolaryngologists. The exchange of information and ideas will be fostered and this networking aspect of YO-IFOS will naturally link to the research, education and congress-based aspects of its work.

YO-IFOS has an excellent starting platform; members have a common interest in ENT and are likely to share a similar life and career stage. The two aspects of networking – professional and social – are often linked. It is our vision that YO- IFOS networking will include the development of quality relationships between individuals and centres and it is hoped that we can take advantage of new technologies to communicate and network. The international mobility of young otolaryngologists will also be promoted to enable clinical, academic and research visits and exchanges.

The YO-IFOS group aims to enhance the connectivity between young otolaryngologists. The exchange of information and ideas will be fostered and this networking aspect of YO-IFOS will naturally link to the research, education and congress-based aspects of its work.

YO-IFOS has an excellent starting platform; members have a common interest in ENT and are likely to share a similar life and career stage. The two aspects of networking – professional and social – are often linked. It is our vision that YO- IFOS networking will include the development of quality relationships between individuals and centres and it is hoped that we can take advantage of new technologies to communicate and network. The international mobility of young otolaryngologists will also be promoted to enable clinical, academic and research visits and exchanges.

To increase potential for communication and collaboration within YO-IFOS

  • Congress-based networking
  • E-networking – a web-based forum / ‘communication portal’
  • YO-IFOS members directory
  • Creation of YO-IFOS exchange programs / observerships

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CEORL-HNS 2019 Bruxelles

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Durante il CEORL-HNS (Congresso delle Società Europee di Otorinolaringoiatria) 2019 tenutosi a Bruxelles dal 29 giugno al 3 luglio, ho rappresentato la Società Italiana di Otorinolaringoiatria e Chirurgia Cervico-Facciale (SIOeChCF) con una presentazione Power Point di carattere informativo e divulgativo a 360° sulla Società. Lo scenario in cui si è tenuta la mia relazione è stata quella del Villaggio delle Società Confederate, un’area riservata allo scambio scientifico-culturale inter-societario all’interno della bellissima sede congressuale dello Square Bruxelles Convention Centre. Il Congresso è stata un’opportunità di crescita personale e professionale, grazie al confronto con giovani colleghi prevalentemente europei che stanno affrontando un percorso di crescita lavorativa simile al mio (seppure diverso) mi ha fatto vedere le cose da una prospettiva diversa. Ho partecipato alla cena del Presidente (Marc Remacle) tenutasi in una caldissima serata domenicale, in cui ho messo il seme per il prossimo progetto (inter)societario. Se parlassimo di fotografia, potremmo dire che ho cambiato lente per passare da una focale più lunga ad una più corta. Nel contempo il livello delle relazioni nelle varie sessioni è stato altissimo; ho seguito prevalentemente oncologia testa-collo e laringologia.

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Sunset in Bruxelles. #ceorlhns2019

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